Helps with confidence & connection to higher realms ✨

Extra high quality Copper Rutile channeled with Arcturian Light Language

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The crystals on our page are all picked for the best quality for our customers they are ethically sourced & then each crystal is lovingly encoded with healing light language unique to that person.

Ethically sourced purple amethyst from Brazil 💟

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Are you ready for transformation at the fastest pace?

Labradorite channeled with Arcturian Light Language

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Helps with confidence & connection to higher realms ✨

Extra high quality Copper Rutile channeled with Arcturian Light Language

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The crystals on our page are all picked for the best quality for our customers they are ethically sourced & then each crystal is lovingly encoded with healing light language unique to that person.

Ethically sourced purple amethyst from Brazil 💟

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Are you ready for transformation at the fastest pace?

Labradorite channeled with Arcturian Light Language

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All of our products are encoded with the most beautiful Arcturian light language unique to each person. This can be a time consuming process for me to connect with the Arcturians to see exactly what you need & channel this all in to your new crystal. This can take anything from 2-7 days before shipping so I can ensure your crystal is flowing with so much high vibe energy for you 🩵🌟